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Why Site Structure Matters for SEO: Understanding the Fundamentals

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Why Site Structure Matters for SEO: Understanding the Fundamentals

An extremely important and often overlooked aspect of SEO is Site structure, also known as information architecture. Having a well-structured website can help search engines understand relevance & organisation of your content, leading to better search engine ranking & increased traffic.

Here's a small guide to understanding site structure fundamentals for SEO:

  1. Have a clear & consistent URL structure
    Use descriptive & keyword-rich URLs that are easy to understand and with a consistent URL structure.
  2. Use header tags
    Help search engines understand the hierarchy of your site content by using header tags such as H1, H2, & H3 tags. 
  3. Use a sitemap
    A sitemap helps search engines understand the organisation of your content. Make sure you have a sitemap in place to be indexed by search engines easily.
  4. Optimise for mobile
    Make sure your site is mobile-friendly, & that your site structure is easy to navigate on mobile devices.
  5. Use internal linking
    Internal linking is the process of linking to other pages on your website. This helps search engines understand the relevance & importance of your pages & content, & also makes the site easy to use on mobile devices.
  6. Analyse & Optimise
    Monitor your progress & make optimisation adjustments as necessary. Use tools like Google Analytics and to analyse site structure & identify areas for SEO improvement.

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